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The Cyberscience Center is fully committed to the development of its relevant field and the cultivation of human resources based on practical and interdisciplinary approaches, taking advantage of its characteristics as a clinical research and education field for information and communication technology.
Research Division on Information Network Systems
This division is engaged in R&D related to the planning, operation, management support, and enhancement of the University’s information network system.
We are also engaged in R&D of advanced information and communication infrastructure and its operation and advanced utilization, as well as basic theoretical research on information security.
Takuo Suganuma
Associate Professor
Hideaki Goto
Takuo Suganuma Lab.
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Department of Applied Information Sciences, Information Network Systems
Research Division on Supercomputing Systems
Providing the leading-edge computing environment with our supercomputers, we undertake research on fundamental hardware and software technologies enabling next-generation supercomputing, and also on design and development of innovative applications that can fully exploit the potential of supercomputers.
Hiroyuki Takizawa
Specially Appointed Researcher
Tatsuyoshi Ohmura
Specially Appointed Researcher
Yoichi Shimomura
Visiting Professor
Ryusuke Egawa
Visiting Associate Professor
Keichi Takahashi
Hiroyuki Takizawa Lab.
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, High Performance Computing
Research Division on Information Security
We engage in research related to cryptography and cryptology, which are essential for safeguarding information security. Specifically, we devise, develop, and model physical cryptographic protocols that use tangible tools, such as a deck of playing cards, to perform secure computations, zero-knowledge proofs, and other cryptographic techniques. In addition, we explore the limits of card-based computation.
Takaaki Mizuki
Research Division on Information Service Infrastructure
This division conducts R&D on the planning, operation, and management support for the University’s information service infrastructure, as well as on their advanced utilization.
We are also conducting R&D of multidimensional information infrastructure technology based on the coordination and harmonization of various components to realize a new communication environment in which the diverse entities that make up humans, society, and the environment can interoperate with each other at a high level.
Takuo Suganuma
Associate Professor
Toru Abe
Assistant Professor
Guillen Barja,
Luis Alberto
Takuo Suganuma Lab.
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Department of Applied Information Sciences, Applied Intelligence Software
Research Division on Cyber-Physical Systems
Our laboratory is engaged in research on cyber-physical systems that can aggregate and analyze real-world sensory information, effectively providing feedback to the physical world. We are actively developing technologies such as advanced measurement, image analysis, and virtual reality systems for applications in the fields of medicine, health, and welfare.
Norihiro Sugita
Academic Researcher
Makoto Yoshizawa
Norihiro Sugita Lab.
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, collaborative courses
Research Division on Data Platforms
To support advanced data-driven education and research for Tohoku University and related organizations, we provide support for planning, operation, and management of data platforms that enable efficient collection, storing, management, analysis, and utilization of education and research data, as well as engage research and development of related technologies. We also promote research and development on advanced technologies such as high-performance, large-capacity, highly reliable, and highly functional data lakes, storage systems, and cloud storage that contribute to the advancement of data platforms.
Takaki Nakamura
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Satoshi Munakata
Takakai Nakamura Lab.
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Department of Applied Information Sciences, Applied Intelligence Software
Joint-Research Division of High-Performance Computing (NEC)
This division has been established in 2014 as a core center of Tohoku University-NEC cooperation on high-performance computing. The research topics include migration and optimizations of laboratory-developed science and engineering applications to the level of high performance on the supercomputing systems of Tohoku University. In addition, the faculty members of the division work with researchers and engineers outside Tohoku University, especially from the industry, invited as Visiting Professors, Visiting Associate Professors, and Visiting Researchers, and promote joint-research projects regarding next-generation supercomputing systems development.
Hiroaki Kobayashi
Hiroyuki Takizawa
Kazuhiko Komatsu
Associate Professor
Masayuki Sato
Visiting Professor
Ryusuke Egawa
Visiting Professor
Mitsuo Yokokawa
Visiting Professor
Akihiro Musa
Visiting Associate Professor
Shintaro Momose
Specially Appointed Research Fellow
Kotaro Bannai
Joint-Research Division of High-Performance Computing (NEC)
Cloud Service Infrastructure Laboratory
The CSI laboratory is conducting research and development to build access networks and cloud infrastructures for Research and Education institutions. In collaboration with the National Institute of Informatics and GÉANT in Europe, we are working on the dissemination and the advancement of eduroam, the international academic wireless LAN roaming system.
In addition, through collaboration with domestic and overseas telecom companies, we are doing development and social implementation of convenient, secure, and disruption/disaster-tolerant network roaming and related cloud services.
Associate Professor
Hideaki Goto
Cloud Service Infrastructure Laboratory